Deciding on a subject matter for this blog is far harder for me that deciding on a plot line for a book or short story. Why is that? I have two theories. First, I think perhaps the reason is that a story can be whatever I want it to be and need not apply to any over-arching topic or theme. This blog however is a blog about my writing. Therefore, it must somehow apply to what I am writing, how I am writing it, or what I am doing with what I've already written. It confines me a little and therefore I have a terrible time coming up with an idea for something to write that fits under that particular umbrella. Secondly, this blog is about real life. If I am writing about a fairy in the land of Wymzi or dragon from some far away mountain, the story can come from anywhere and go anywhere. This blog, on the other hand, must have some basis in the reality of my life. That makes it more a work of non-fiction, and I do not think that is my specialty. All that said, I am determined to try and write on this blog and perhaps as I move forward, new creative ideas will spring forth and this blog will take on a life of its own.
This week I decided that I needed to take a small break from editing my first novel and begin writing something new. After some thought, I chose to begin putting some words down on the sequel to The Lantern of Rahela, which I am tentatively titling The Mountain of Me'arah. This novel continues the story of Madelina, the young girl who was magically transported to the land of Wymzi and transformed into a fairy. In The Mountain of Me'arah, the world of Wymzi sees snow for the first time in one-hundred years. They are excited to see the world righting itself, but discover one rather large problem. Kerosene, their only source of fuel for heat, has been depleted by the evil Queen. Madelina and her friends must think quickly to find an alternative. That quest leads them on an adventure to the center of the Mountain of Me'arah and requires that they find a way to work together with many of the creatures who would normally be their enemies.
I'm excited to get this process started and feel the creative juices flowing through me. I would love to hear what others are working on and I'm open to suggestions you may have for this second novel. And if any of you are struggling with what to write about...just start to type and perhaps you will surprise even yourself.
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