Saturday, May 12, 2012

Growing Potatoes in Towers

Today, I began something I've never tried before.  At the request of my almost 5 year-old son, we are going to try to grow potatoes.  I knew nothing about how to do that, so I began to research the process online.  I discovered a few sites that suggested you could grow potatoes in a tower.  Each site gave instructions for how to make such a tower.  I read those sites and then modified them a bit to go with the resources I had at my disposal.  Here is what I did:

Step 1: Clear a space of ground about 2 ft. by 2 ft.
Step 2: Put a tomato cage in the middle of the square.
Step 3: Wrap wire fence around the cage with about a 1 to 2 inch clearance and connect the fence to itself with wire.
Step 4: Put dried grass clippings, straw, or hay against the fencing on the inside of the tower.
Step 5: Press sprouted seed potatoes (sprout side facing out) into the dirt in a circle about an inch from the hay and about 4-5 inches from each other. (I put about 5-6 potato pieces per level.)
Step 6: Cover with dirt. (I did 2-4 shovel-fulls, ~ 2-3 inches)
Step 7: Repeat steps 4-6 until you reach the top of the fencing.
Step 8: Place 5-6 seed potatoes in dirt on the top of the tower and cover with more dirt.
Step 9: Cover top with more grass clippings and a shovel-full of dirt.

And this is what you have....

The finished tower

Three towers

I will update in the future to see how these turn out.  They may be a terrible fail, but I am hopeful that they won't.  Hopefully, in a few months, I will be able to post some pictures of the potatoes that have grown in these.  Either way, it will be an interesting journey.  Feel free to comment with suggestions or stories of your own experiences with growing potatoes.  Thanks!

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